Friday, June 3, 2011


In addition to my wonderful mother joining us here in Tennessee, we also have Mollie. Mollie is my mother's NewFoundland dog and is 120lbs of pure love! She is the sweetest dog and is very protective of the children and already thinks they are her babies to watch.  Jack has nick named her Mollie Moo-Moo, but sometimes that spills onto other people's names like, "Mommy Moo-Moo" yeh, not too cute.  ;-)

Mum and the kids go out regularly on walks with Mollie, and this time i was not at work and I was able to join them and go to a dog friendly park.  Luckily for us it was on the brink of rain and so we were the only ones there and Mollie seemed to have a terrific time on the slides and park equipment.

I think the best reward for me though was seeing my mum laugh when Mollie was going up and down the slides. :-)

Ugh!  I despise sand pits!  They were quickly banned from that!

 On your marks, get set, GO!  Sarah cheated and got a head start!  ;-)

Sarah and Nana - beautiful!

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