Monday, February 6, 2012

Sisters Are Bliss.....

One of the greatest joys i have is when i witness my children getting along.  Now, don't get me wrong, i don't say this because it is a rarity or anything like that, but it still brings me so much pleasure.  I know from my own personal experience with my siblings that strong ties when a child lead to stronger ties when an adult.  I enjoy the relationships i have with my brother and sister and am grateful that even though we are far apart from each other, we do talk, or text or Oovoo on a regular basis.  I look forward to the day when i see my children hangout as adults.  When i will see or hear about them spending time with each other or calling each other, babysitting each others kids or whatever the case may be.

Something particularly special is the bond between sisters.  For those of you with sisters, you will probably understand what i am talking about.  Although it is something that has to be worked at.  Just like any other relationship if not fostered it becomes nothing, but when grown with love and fun it can beccome a vast reservoir of amazing experiences.  I have many fond and also funny stories of when my sister, Louise and i were young.  Some naughty i must admit, others secretive and special, and others yet that even though they were based on mutual painful experiences it was something that strengthened us as sisters.  My sister has been my confidant audience (do performances of the Flintstones in the bring back any memories, Lou?), and a fantastic example of everything that is good and righteous.

I hope for these things for my children too....for my girls.

Several months ago Eden and Sarah had somewhat of a hard time getting along.  Sarah was the desperate little sister dying for Eden's attention and yet at the same time the worse tattle tail you've come by.  And Eden was the bossy big sister who was annoyed by her little sister and the way she copied everything Eden did and wouldn't play unless it was "her way," but then was also resentful because of being betrayed by all the tattling.  Part of the problem originally existed because Immanuel and Eden have been so close that Eden wasn't sure how to negotiate being close to both siblings at the same time and so would either love one and hate the other of vise versa.

It quickly became clear to John and i that something needed to be done.  So we prayed and talked with the girls together and separately and i am happy to announce that things have completely turned around.
Eden has done a fabulous job of finding balance....she finds ways to connect with Immanuel which happens especially in the evening when they get to stay up later than the younger two and spend time doing art together or playing board games, or talking about who their latest "crush" is.  ;-) In contrast Eden will spend a good deal of free time during the day doing "girly" things with Sarah like painting nails, showing Sarah how to do her hair "cool", dressing up in "cool" clothes and accessories and then today i found them in the secret hide-out playing a game.....Headbandz (so fun!).

I hope that my children will continue to develop their relationships to the point where they will be an infinite source of comfort and joy to one another as they age into adulthood and face challenges ahead of them.  I know that even as parenting may surely get harder as they grow older, it will also be more rewarding too.  So proud of my lovely babies.....

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