Saturday, April 14, 2012

Faith like THAT!

I have said it before, but you will hear it again, that i am a firm believer in that we create our own realities.  Yes life happens, yes things don't go the way we "want" them too, BUT i think what we think about the most is what becomes our reality.  I have seen the show "The Secret" (years ago) and think there is a lot of truth to it.  My truth includes a Heavenly Father and not just  "The Universe,"  but it has the same principles.  We even read about the same principles in Proverbs 23:7, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."

I have also had my own personal experience with this principle and it is amazing what can happen in your life when you become conscious about thoughts that are typically subconscious.  ;-)

ANYWAY......last night the options for dessert were two Oreo cookies, or a slice of banana bread.  Sarah came and politely asked me if she could have both.  I told her that she had to pick one or the other, which she was quite distressed and upset about.  She eventually conceded to pick just two Oreo cookies.  A few minutes later she came back to me and lamented that there was only ONE Oreo cookie left!!   Oh, what a disaster!  lol.  ;-)  So i pondered a minute and the most natural response in my mind was, "well she can just have the one cookie and a small slice of banana bread then."  So that is indeed what i told her to do.  A few seconds later i pondered on how Sarah ended up getting what she first desired..... a bit of both.  It made me laugh and thought to myself, "What great faith, what she wished for and wanted ended up coming to pass anyway, and it was nothing deliberate on my end for that matter either."  

I looked at Sarah and said, "Sarah you must have crazy great faith," to which she responded, "why do you think that?"  I said, "well you wanted both desserts, and look you ended up getting your way anyway."  And she said, "I am the Queen!"   

It made me laugh so much, but i am glad that at her young age of 6 years old, she already has the faith and confidence needed to get her the things she wants in life. Now you may be thinking to yourself, whatever, that's just a coincidence, or you just gave in to her or she can't control that there was only one cookie left etc. etc.  However i know something special about Sarah and i will tell you another thing, and that is she is and will continue to be a woman of GREAT faith.  It will serve her well in life and she will be able to bless millions through this great gift she has.  

So.....what are the thoughts and intents of your heart?  What do you spend your time thinking the most about.  Maybe you should take the time every once in a while to take a break and have a double dessert day too!  ;-)

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