Monday, January 3, 2011

The LMU Tree Lighting that Didn't Light.....

Well, not that i saw or most of the people around me either.  However it was a fun night where Christmas carols were sung and Santa visited, hot chocolate was had although it was hot enough to melt your insides out, and the Knoxville Symphony played at Duke Hall.  I really enjoyed the symphony until it was clear that the kids had, had enough and it was late and i was a single parent, so we headed home.  

The best part was probably seeing so many other friends there that i didn't intend on seeing and hanging out with the awesome Sowbys (and seeing Ellis literally covered in candy cane stickiness)  ;-)  As we drove away that night we managed to see the tree....big as it was it was a bit of a let down and not even close to wear we had all been standing waiting for it....oh well.  Next year we'll know....

Enjoy the pics......

 Aidan Johnson

 Ellis Sowby, nose picking is a must for little kids 2 and under.....

 See i told you, 2 and under, it's a must.  Primary source of entertainment!  ;-)

 Sarah and Suede

 As close as Jack was going to get to Santa....

As close as Eden also wanted to get, now that she knows the truth about Santa...i don't blame her, i wouldn't want to sit on a strange man's lap either!  ;-)

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