Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Silver Arrow...

Immanuel has pack meeting next Tuesday and had one thing left to complete in order to receive his first silver arrow patch. It had to be done by today if he was to qualify and so last night we went through the cub scout book to see what he could do to achieve this.

After a few minutes i came across the elective of learning to tie a tie! At first i thought, "I don't know, surely there is something easier to do than this." But then i reminded myself that i was 8 or 9 when i learned to tie a tie as we had to wear them for middle school in England. So i asked Immanuel if he'd like to learn and he was actually very excited about it.

I literally had to show him only twice! And then, he proceeded to pull out all his ties that he owned that weren't clip-ons and practice over and over again. I have to admit, I think he's better at it than I am!

Way to go Immanuel! Now this pack meeting he will not only get his Wolf patch (as he finished all his requirements), but he also now gets his Silver Arrow!

His first go of it..

multiple ties..


He was so pleased with himself...on the road to becoming a man! ;-)


Schutzenegger said...

Next up - The Windsor knot!

Nicola Morgan said...

Yes, Iman showed JOhn this morning,as JOhn was at work last night when i taught it to him, and JOhn says, well that's good, but i'll teach you a better way! lol!

JR Morgan said...

Double Windsor - CHECK!

The kid is an angel. I love him.